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Topic review


Re: WinSCP and multiple screens

IMO: No, it should start on the monitor where it closed last time. At least that is how other applications handle it (correctly).

OK, reopening ... :-)

Re: WinSCP and multiple screens

martin wrote:

Yes, but also to remember where to open the login dialog itself on startup.

Shouldn't an application start on monitor, where it was launched? (the monitor, where icon was clicked for instance).

IMO: No, it should start on the monitor where it closed last time. At least that is how other applications handle it (correctly).

Re: WinSCP and multiple screens

Yes, but also to remember where to open the login dialog itself on startup.

Shouldn't an application start on monitor, where it was launched? (the monitor, where icon was clicked for instance).

Re: WinSCP and multiple screens

martin wrote:

OK, so I guess the point is to open the main window on the same screen, where login dialog was closed, isn't it?

Yes, but also to remember where to open the login dialog itself on startup.

Thanks for adding this to the tracker!

Re: WinSCP and multiple screens

This issue has been added to tracker.

Re: WinSCP and multiple screens

OK, so I guess the point is to open the main window on the same screen, where login dialog was closed, isn't it?

Re: WinSCP and multiple screens

martin wrote:

If WinSCP is not maximized on exit, does it open on correct monitor?

No, it opens on the primary screen. Also, if I move the login dialog to the second monitor and open a connection, the main WinSCP window will open on the primary screen again.

Thanks for considering this problem.

Re: WinSCP and multiple screens

If WinSCP is not maximized on exit, does it open on correct monitor?

WinSCP and multiple screens


I always use WinSCP maximized on my secondary screen. Unfortunately, it does not remember this. On startup, it does maximize, but on the first screen. So I have to un-maximize, move to second screen and maximize again. It would be very cool if it could remember the screen.

Thanks for considering.
