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Topic review


Re: Remembering and storing passwords

I needed to move whole WinSCP folder (including ini file) to encrypted volume but it works and that's all I needed. Thank you for your help.

Re: Remembering and storing passwords

Ydriuf wrote:

Is there a method to make WinSCP remember the password during the whole session (e.g. until WinSCP is closed) without saving it on disk?

Password is remembered if:
- you type it already on login dialog (if you are using stored session, just load it [edit], type in password and press login)
- you enable either of preference options "remember session password and pass it to putty" or "remember password of main session for background transfers"

Or maybe there is or could be a possibility to move password data from Windows Registry (where they are unsafe) to, for instance, a file on an encrypted volume.

Please read documentation.

Remembering and storing passwords

The FTP servers I use tend to break the connection often (mostly due to timeout) and if the password is not stored in the session data I need to retype it repeatedly each time timeout occurs.

Is there a method to make WinSCP remember the password during the whole session (e.g. until WinSCP is closed) without saving it on disk?
Or maybe there is or could be a possibility to move password data from Windows Registry (where they are unsafe) to, for instance, a file on an encrypted volume.