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Re: winscp does not recognize local non-ascii chars in filename

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Re: winscp does not recognize local non-ascii chars in filename

WinSCP is not an Unicode application, so it may have problems, if the file name contains characters that are not present in local character set of your Windows. Is it your case?

winscp does not recognize local non-ascii chars in filename

I have searched the forum and found some similar posts but none regarding the local filename problems with non-ascii chars.

I have a file Zdjęcie045.jpg in a local WinXP machine directory. When I open WinSCP (4.0.6) connection, be it SFTP or SCP, this file is shown as Zdjecie045.jpg in the local listing (the diacritical "ę" (4th character) changed to "e"). When attempting to copy the file to the remote machine, I get error about being unable to find the file Zdjecie045.jpg
This does not make much sense to me. I would understand the conversion of the filename while uploading but now it seems to change the file name for display and forget that the real file has a different name.

regards, Michal.