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Re: Installer for Vista 64 bit

Well I haven't heard of the problem before. I know of many users, using WinSCP on Vista 64bit without problems.

Can you try to run installer with /log=<filename> parameter and provide me with the log?

Any one else having the problem?

Installer for Vista 64 bit

I'm using MS Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit and tried to install the current version, 4.0.6, of WinSCP.
I wasn't able to find a 64 bit version of the installer and when I try to start the 32 bit version nothing happens - I get of course asked the normal question if I really like to start the installer, but then nothing is happening. I don't get any kind of error message.

It's also the same with the 32 bit Putty installer.

Some other SW I use provides .msi installer for 64 and .exe installer for 32 bit. Maybe it has something to do with the 32 bit .exe format. It could also just be an error in the WOW64 (32 bit support under x64) system of Windows.

Can anyone help me with this?
Is there a 64 bit release planned for WinSCP?
