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You use pscp. It has nothing to do with WinSCP. Anyway I do not know how to help you.

I'm using the below code in vb script which i'm using to send the files over to a remote server:

'#### Function to SCP File #######
Function scpFile(fileName)
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

strRunSCP = "pscp -p -v -pw pwld39Dq " & fileName & " LoginID@x.x.x.x:/cygdrive/f/FtpRoot/SanctionResponse/"
'x.x.x.x is the IP of the remote machine

Cmd = "%comspec% /c " & strRunSCP

intRun = WshShell.Run(Cmd, 0, True)

WScript.StdOut.Writeline "Run status is " & intRun

scpFile = intRun

End Function


Re: Failed to access correct remote destination

How do you use WinSCP 3.5 from VBS script?

Failed to access correct remote destination


I'm able to connect to the correct remote machine with Login name and password. However when i try to send files to the same remote machine by executing a vbs script, it goes to another remote machine. Both remote machines are with same login accounts and having different IP address.

I'm using WinSCP v3.5.0.

Please help.
