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Topic review


Can you give us an address of the pages you are having problem with?

"check encoding"? how do I do this?

also, a few people have told me that when they visit my page all they see is a blank white page. is this maybe because it's an .htm page and not a .html page?

thank you!

Re: corrupt .htm files?

ftpuser99 wrote:

hey all, i just started using ftpclient but i noticed that when i transfer files onto my domain, the .htm files almost always get corrupt (IE when i edit them in FtpClient, they only display ÿþ< and not my code, and when viewed online, they're a bunch of ? marks and other random symbols.)

why are my files becoming corrupt when i transfer them? i can later edit them on my domain when they're corrupt, but it's a hassle to keep doing that.

First, try binary transfers.
Then check encoding of your pages.

ftpuser99 wrote:

ALSO, .htm vs .html? advantages/disadvantages?

.html is just full name of HyperText Markup Language
.htm was for compatibility with old filesystems with 8.3 filenames (8 chars for name and 3 for extension)

oh, sorry! i'm using WinSCP.

Re: corrupt .htm files?

What ftpclient are you using?

corrupt .htm files?

hey all, i just started using ftpclient but i noticed that when i transfer files onto my domain, the .htm files almost always get corrupt (IE when i edit them in FtpClient, they only display ÿþ< and not my code, and when viewed online, they're a bunch of ? marks and other random symbols.)

why are my files becoming corrupt when i transfer them? i can later edit them on my domain when they're corrupt, but it's a hassle to keep doing that.

ALSO, .htm vs .html? advantages/disadvantages?

thank you!