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Topic review


WinSCP transfers files back and forth between a client and a server. The client can be any machine that runs WinSCP. The server must be running an ssh server (or maybe ftp server). The server is not WinSCP... that's a different piece of software.

There are many options to allow you and your friend to share and synchronize files. If you don't understand the relationship between a client and a server, you would be best served by hiring a local consultant who can help you out. (Find one with good recommendations that you can trust... there's both good and bad consultants out there.) Only someone who's both familiar with technology and supporting small businesses AND someone who knows your particular business' needs will be able to design a good solution that works for you. A consultant can provide the technology know-how, and you work with them to explain your needs. They'll come up with a solution that works for you.

Re: User requirements

mckayt wrote:

My 2 friends and I have our consulting firm and are strongly consider merging. However, we want to continue to work from home and have one person maintain all files for the 3. What do we need in order to use WinSCP where the 3 three of us can store, access, and modify files.

Do I need a server or network in order to use WinScp.

Yes, I am looking for storage (A place to place files and documents) that I can access, and my friends can access remotely.

Re: User requirements

I'm not sure if I understand. Are you looking for some storage that you can access with WinSCP?

User requirements

My 2 friends and I have our consulting firm and are strongly consider merging. However, we want to continue to work from home and have one person maintain all files for the 3. What do we need in order to use WinSCP where the 3 three of us can store, access, and modify files.