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Re: upload speed limited?

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bizarrojack2 wrote:

bizarrojack2 wrote:

oh by the way, I should add that after 10 minutes of transfer, the speed has increased from ~44000 B/s to ~47000 B/s. Of course, the speed slider is all the way on the right, at 100%.

It just occurred to me that their might be a per-connection rate limit on my VPN, and the traffic was crossing the United States twice, again because of the VPN, so you can probably forget I asked anything. Too many unkonwn factors.

Perhaps not. There are lots of people reporting slow transfer rates.

bizarrojack2 wrote:

oh by the way, I should add that after 10 minutes of transfer, the speed has increased from ~44000 B/s to ~47000 B/s. Of course, the speed slider is all the way on the right, at 100%.

It just occurred to me that their might be a per-connection rate limit on my VPN, and the traffic was crossing the United States twice, again because of the VPN, so you can probably forget I asked anything. Too many unkonwn factors.

oh by the way, I should add that after 10 minutes of transfer, the speed has increased from ~44000 B/s to ~47000 B/s. Of course, the speed slider is all the way on the right, at 100%.

upload speed limited?

Hi -
I was just using winscp (actually, still am) to upload a file, and noticed that it wasn't going at the full available speed. At first, I was suspecting a network problem, so as a test, I started a second simultaneous transfer of the file. The original transfer did not slow down, and the 2nd transfer quickly reached the same speed. Now if only I were able to split the file and copy the two halves separately.

Just on a whim, I tried using blowfish for the 2nd transfer, but otherwise, they were configured the same way.
The file is already compressed, so I did not enable compression.

Does anyone know why this might be, or if there is a setting I might be able to change that would get full speed on a single transfer?