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Re: Editing the Reg or Ini file for Multi-hosts

First you should not save your password. If you want to do that, ok, but I'm not going to provide a way to make it even easier... Sorry.
Anyway, the next version will allow you to change your stored password directly from password prompt after the authentication with stored password fails.
If you want to edit the settings manually, you can use PasswordPlain attribute. See documentation.
Luke Walshe

Editing the Reg or Ini file for Multi-hosts

The problem I am having which really annoys me, is that when your password has changed on the remote server and is mirrored across the other 70 servers approx. You have to manually go in and edit each Session with the new password. Is there no automation for this process? I have looked at the Ini and its all encrypted, same goes with the Registry!
