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Re: Can't copy more than 1 Go using Windows 2000

For list of possible reasons one may be getting the error 4, see documentation.

Re: Can't copy more than 1 Go using Windows 2000

martin wrote:

So it seems you are using SCP, not SFTP. Can you try SFTP?

Ok then i tried with FTP protocol, i still have an error :
"Transfert failed :
General error
Error code : 4
Error message server : Failure
Asked code : 6"

I tried with the transfert software FLASHFXP and got a message : "A file cannot be larger than the value set by ulimit"

My unix administrator says it doesn't have any size limitation for my normal user.

So it seems it is a bad configuration of my Windows 2000, it is just surprising i do not have problem if i use th root session.

[EDIT]It seems the group of my user (right click on file on a file) isn't recognyze, so i get a limitation for copying [/EDIT]

Re: Can't copy more than 1 Go using Windows 2000

So it seems you are using SCP, not SFTP. Can you try SFTP?

Can't copy more than 1 Go using Windows 2000


I'm having a problem copying .dmp files from a Windows machine to a UNIX machine for backup purposes.

The size is a bit bigger than 1 Go.
I use WinSCP 3.8.2 on Windows 2000.

I use SFTP and SCP as transfert protocol.
This happens at the end when the transfert is finished, then it tried to copy.
On Windows 2000, i get the message "scp: file_path/file_name: File too large".
Then it copies only the first Go of data with a suffixed filename "...dmp.filepart".

It works if i use the root user on Windows 2000.

And the copy works without limitation on Windows XP.

How can i manage to supress the 1 Go limitations?

Thx for your help
