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Re: Remember local directory while using multiple sessins

Hi there..

Thanks SOOOO much for adding these features into WinSCP. It will make my life alot easier as I routinely have sessions open to a number of hosts and have to copy loads of files around.

Thanks again!!

Re: Remember local directory while using multiple sessins

Mike wrote:

I would like WinSCP to remember the current local directory for each session I have open.

Currently when I switch sessions using alt-1 or alt-2 the local directory always defaults back to the session's "home directory".

It should remember the local directory for each session that is open and return to it when a session is switched to. This will be sooo much easiler when transfering multiple files on multiple sessions.

Thanks for letting me know. It is a bug. It seems like it happens only if you have "remember last used directory" option turned off. However this option should not affect this. I'll fix it.

Perhaps also an option to have only ONE local directory that is shared between all sessions... This would be useful if the same files need to get transfered to a number of sessions.

OK, I may add such an option.

Remember local directory while using multiple sessins


I would like WinSCP to remember the current local directory for each session I have open.

Currently when I switch sessions using alt-1 or alt-2 the local directory always defaults back to the session's "home directory".

It should remember the local directory for each session that is open and return to it when a session is switched to. This will be sooo much easiler when transfering multiple files on multiple sessions.

Perhaps also an option to have only ONE local directory that is shared between all sessions... This would be useful if the same files need to get transfered to a number of sessions.

