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Topic review


martin wrote:

Make sure that you put only to Host name field.

It works, thank you!

SerV wrote:

I have an account on remote server, where I place my site. So, certainly, I have a login name and a password for access. I tried to connect to the server using WinSCP (through FTP). My hoster gave me an address for FTP connection, something like I place it in "Host name" field, then place my login and password, then I try to login. A window appears, where I see a field for "Session password". What the password is it? And where can I get it?

Make sure that you put only to Host name field.

I've got the same problem. I read FAQ, but no answer found. Here is the problem:
I have an account on remote server, where I place my site. So, certainly, I have a login name and a password for access. I tried to connect to the server using WinSCP (through FTP). My hoster gave me an address for FTP connection, something like I place it in "Host name" field, then place my login and password, then I try to login. A window appears, where I see a field for "Session password". What the password is it? And where can I get it?
Thank you.

P.S. Everything works properly through Mozilla, for example.

Re: help with login

Where are you trying to connect to? What error message do you get?
You may first try if you find it in list of common error messages.
Also this FAQ (or others) may give you some hint.

help with login

I'm the new one in this forum.
I would like to use the winscp but I cant configure this aplication.
When I try to logon the host computer can't conect me because ... I don't know why???
May be I shoul before to register some my own acount on the host computer - but if is it neccesery - how to do it?
he asked me about password! what password - because my own doesn't work.
help me please