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Topic review


Greg wrote:

Quite possible, though the same proxy works fine with IE and Firefox. What standards does WinSCP expect to use; I'll do some digging.

For updated WinSCP supports, only simple HTTP-based proxy.

Quite possible, though the same proxy works fine with IE and Firefox. What standards does WinSCP expect to use; I'll do some digging.

OK, maybe you are using HTTP proxy that WinSCP does not support.

Well, there's a bit more there to go on;
* 2008-03-25 10:37:49.250 (ExtException) Error checking for application updates.
* 2008-03-25 10:37:49.250 Received response 400 Bad Request from proxy.******.com


Re: "Check for updates" behind a proxy server

Can you try that with 4.1 and post full error message?

"Check for updates" behind a proxy server

"Check for Updates" seems to fail for me (I'm sitting behind a proxy server, which is configured in the "Updates" section of preferences). With logging turn up to Debug 2, all that appears is the following single line;
* 2008-03-19 14:52:15.421 (Exception) Error checking for application updates.

Any idea of what's wrong?