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Re: Same problem - Lost Connection on last step

Can you post complete log file?

Re: Same problem - Lost Connection on last step


It is only about 80Mb ..upload takes seconds. There are other larger files uploaded before this one. This one is just last one.

Rumen (Bulcore)

Re: Same problem - Lost Connection on last step

Bulcore wrote:

and when the sync goes to the last file and upload it (FTP server reports success on that upload)
WinSCP says that upload is not succesfull and loop on that file.

Is the file large? So maybe the upload takes a long time?

Same problem - Lost Connection on last step

I am using a simple script for synchronization

option batch on
option confirm off
option transfer
synchronize remote F:\BACKUPS\SQLDailyBackup\ /sql_databases

and when the sync goes to the last file and upload it (FTP server reports success on that upload)
WinSCP says that upload is not succesfull and loop on that file.

Here is part of the log:

. 2008-03-21 00:20:57.760 Starting upload of F:\BACKUPS\SQLDailyBackup\[MLSPDatabase]_[full]_[2008_03_20_22_39_54].bk
> 2008-03-21 00:20:57.760 TYPE I
< 2008-03-21 00:20:57.760 200 Type set to I.
> 2008-03-21 00:20:57.776 PORT 80,80,159,4,10,83
< 2008-03-21 00:20:57.776 200 Port command successful.
> 2008-03-21 00:20:57.776 STOR [MLSPDatabase]_[full]_[2008_03_20_22_39_54].bk
< 2008-03-21 00:20:57.823 150 Opening data connection for [MLSPDatabase]_[full]_[2008_03_20_22_39_54].bk
. 2008-03-21 00:23:08.588 Timeout detected.
. 2008-03-21 00:23:08.588 Copying files to remote side failed.
. 2008-03-21 00:23:08.588 Connection was lost, asking what to do.
. 2008-03-21 00:23:08.588 Asking user:
. 2008-03-21 00:23:08.588 Lost connection. ("Timeout detected.","Copying files to remote side failed.","Opening data connection for [MLSPDatabase]_[full]_[2008_03_20_22_39_54].bk")

Can you post a log file?

+ I host web hosting for the 2 new domains i bought. There is nothing wrong with my dedi so its gotta be something in the software. + My computer has no problem connecting through another ftp client. Help me please.

I don't receive a error it just stops. It comes up with lost connection. I just bought 2 more domains with another host and now its completely stopped. I can not get past "Retrieving directory listing". It like freezes up then comes up with Lost Connection. Someone help me here. I really dont want to go back to SmartFTP.

You get to the last step of what and it disconnects? What is the error message? If you enable logging, what do the logs say?

Yeah Problem

I've been having a small problem when i log in on WinSCP. It Gets to the last step then disconnects me. But it doesn't do it ALL the time. I contacted my website host, and they did a full check over my site. And Concluded that it had to be something with the software I was using. I tried another FTP client and that one works fine. Any Idea?
