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Re: How can I stop my script from aborting after 15 seconds?

Stewart Dickson wrote:

I will try upgrading to a more recent version ("Since 4.1" and see if this behavior improves.) Thanks,

I hope that this has been fixed in 4.0.6:
Bug fix: WinSCP hanged when authentication prompt was displayed while "timeout" message was shown.

Stewart Dickson

Re: How can I stop my script from aborting after 15 seconds?

martin wrote:

Since 4.1 you can use -timeout switch with open command.

In version I find some bad behavior if the connection times out.
Past 15 seconds, the "Confirm"/[Abort] dialog ["Host has not answered for more than 15 seconds. Still Waiting... Warning: Aborting this operation will close connection!"] cannot be closed.

The host has answered: The "'user@host.dom' session password:" TextField has appeared in the "Password - user@host.dom" dialog.

However, because the "Confirm"/[Abort] dialog is still posted, you cannot type into the
Password TextField. Now, the "Confirm"/[Abort] dialog will not respond to the [Abort] PushButton and you cannot close the "Confirm"/[Abort] dialog. The application is wedged.

At this point, nothing short of rebooting the system will kill WinSCP. (That I know of.)

I will try upgrading to a more recent version ("Since 4.1" and see if this behavior improves.) Thanks,


Re: How can I stop my script from aborting after 15 seconds?

Since 4.1 you can use -timeout switch with open command.

How can I stop my script from aborting after 15 seconds?

I want my script to keep trying to connect but it is Aborting after 15 seconds? Are there settings that can fix this?

Host has not answered for more than 15 seconds. Still waiting...
Warning: Aborting this operation will close connection!
(A)bort: Abort
Terminated by user.

I'm currently using Option Batch Continue and Option Confirm Off