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Topic review


Rob (Guest) wrote:

Protocol is SCP only.

With SCP you can set the server time difference on SCP/Shell tab of login dialog (for 4.0.7).
Rob (Guest)

Protocol is SCP only.

What protocol are you using ? FTP, SCP, SFTP?
Rob (Guest)

I'm using WinSCP 4.0.7 Build 370 (most recent, as far as I know)

The DST option I'm using is "Adjust remote timestamp to local conventions", as the "Preserve remote timestamp" option is not usable for synchronizing, according to docs. (Basically what I need to do are synchronizations via scripts.)

The date/time on the server shows the correct 7 hour offset from UTC for Mountain Standard Time. The date/time on the server also shows the correct timezone (MST).

The server is also a pretty old version of Redhat (with some kernel upgrades)... so perhaps that is a factor?

What version of WinSCP are you using?

(I assume you've tried all the adjust remote timestamp to local / adjust remote timestamp with dst / preserve remote timestamp options, right?)

Are you using SFTP or scp (or FTP, I suppose)? If scp, have you screwed around with the server timezone offset?
Rob (Guest)

DST timestamps problems (yes I've read the docs)

My local windows machine adjusts for DST (mountain daylight time ie. MDT)
My remote unix server does NOT adjust for DST (mountain standard time ie. MST)
Clock and settings (and timezones) on both systems are correct.

When I view files in the remote server pane of WinSCP, they are displayed as 2 hours ahead of the Unix file timestamp. Ie. if a Unix file timestamp is 3:22AM then they are displayed as 5:22AM, and this is also the timestamp that is shown in windows after synchronizing the files to the windows machine.

In going through the docs and previous postings, there seems to be no way to configure winscp to correct this. There appears to be some sort of double correction happening, as the timestamps should only differ by 1 hour (DST difference), not by 2 hours.

Any hints are appreciated!