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Re: How to get ENV Variable?

I am sorry; I was wrong.

The window was opened before setting the variable and it wasn't able to get the name.

Now everything works fine.

Thanks for your help!

Re: How to get ENV Variable?

How do you set the variable? Are you sure it is inherited properly into the environment you are running WinSCP from?

Re: How to get ENV Variable?

Is it a problem with this version?
Is there any other way that I can use it now?

Thank You!

Mahendran wrote:

martin wrote:

mkdir %ENV%
You need to have WinSCP 4.1 beta for that.

I am using WinSCP 4.1 beta only. I have an environment variable "TEST" with the value Test. When I execute the command mkdir %TEST%, it actually creates %TEST% folder. Please suggest.

Below is the console capture.

winscp> option batch on
batch on
winscp> option confirm off
confirm off
winscp> open ftp://AM\Kumara:Password1@
Connecting to ...
Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] AM\Kumara@
winscp> cd /Project/Razor/Prelude/Builds
winscp> mkdir %TEST%
Error creating folder '%TEST%'.
%TEST%: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)kip: Abort

Re: How to get ENV Variable?

martin wrote:

mkdir %ENV%
You need to have WinSCP 4.1 beta for that.

I am using WinSCP 4.1 beta only. I have an environment variable "TEST" with the value Test. When I execute the command mkdir %TEST%, it actually creates %TEST% folder. Please suggest.

Below is the console capture.

winscp> option batch on
batch on
winscp> option confirm off
confirm off
winscp> open ftp://AM\Kumara:Password1@
Connecting to ...
Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] AM\Kumara@
winscp> cd /Project/Razor/Prelude/Builds
winscp> mkdir %TEST%
Error creating folder '%TEST%'.
%TEST%: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)kip: Abort

Re: How to get ENV Variable?

mkdir %ENV%
You need to have WinSCP 4.1 beta for that.

How to get ENV Variable?

I want to create a folder with the name specified in the ENV variable and perform "put" operation. How can I read a variable from ENV and include in the script. Please suggest. Thanks!