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Re: problem in uploading files to sftp server

As suggested in the FAQ, the easiest is to use an INI file. Just switch to INI file, make sure you can connect (with regular account) and than use the same INI file with scheduler account.

Re: problem in uploading files to sftp server

Yes I have read that FAQ but i dont know how to set the host key verified under an scheduler or any other account. Do I need to set any specific parameter in the registry under the winscp.

Re: problem in uploading files to sftp server

Have you read this FAQ?

problem in uploading files to sftp server


when im trying to upload a file to an sftp server throguh my application manually im able to upload the files where as when i made the same application as a server or daemon in winodws OS, im not able to upload the smme file.

I gone through the faq and all but i really dont know if i need to change anyhting in the registry to get the windows service to be able to uplaod the files to the sftp server.

please help me as its really urgent.