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Topic review


Traveler wrote:

I had similar problem with latest version but once rolled back to older version it is resolved. Use the winscp 4.1.9

In what version does it work and in what it does not?

I had similar problem with latest version but once rolled back to older version it is resolved. Use the winscp 4.1.9

perry.lipker wrote:

Does the port I'm using to connect with puTTY matter?

It should not.

Please post a log file.

The files are certainly truncated and cannot be opened. I have not determined if they are truly corrupted. I will try to test this.

I believe I am using passive FTP mode. I have filled the checkbox for "Passive mode" in the "Connection" section of the "Connection" menu.

Does the port I'm using to connect with puTTY matter? I'm using 443 because it is open on the firewall through which the data is passing.

Again, I appreciate the timely response.

OK, so the file content is not corrupted, but simply truncated. Right?
Do you use active or passive FTP mode? I would guess that passive, as you connect thru the tunnel. But on the other hand, I cannot imagine how the truncation may occur with passive mode.

Thanks for the quick response. I am AMAZED you can get through support request postings so fast.

I am nearly certain I have configured WinSCP for binary transfer mode.

I click Preferences in the tree.
I click Other general options "Preferences..." button.
I click Transfer in the tree.
I fill the "Binary" button under Transfer mode.
I click OK.

I have continued testing and can repeat the corruption consistently. I have noticed uploads seem to terminate quickly and before completion. While transferring a couple of test pdf files (11,079 bytes) only 8,000 bytes end up transferring.

Thanks, I very much appreciate your help.

Re: File trx via FTP through SSH proxy corrupts uploaded fil

First, are you sure you use binary transfer mode for upload?

File trx via FTP through SSH proxy corrupts uploaded files

New to this great tool. I searched forums for an answer, found some close responses, but not this exact problem. Please forgive if answered elsewhere.

I establish a tunnel using puTTY between my office computer and home Linksys router running DD-WRT v23. I've forwarded port 21 on the router to a FileZilla FTP server at my home. I set up WinSCP to use a proxy connection with 'localhost' and port 3000, as configured in puTTY.

WinSCP connects without incident and I can retrieve a directory from the remote machine. I can download files from the remote machine to the client without any problem. When I try to upload a file to the remote machine, the transfer 'completes' quickly, but the file uploaded to the FTP server is corrupt.

I've experimented with different files to try to identify the problem. Oddly enough, i discovered jpg files transfer from the client to the server without becoming corrupted. All other file types I've tried -- pdf, doc, xls, etc. -- become corrupted.

Should WinSCP work as I have it configured, or am I asking for something it was not designed to do? It's a great tool and I would love to be able to transfer tools via the tunnel I use for other purposes as well.

I have the latest version of WinSCP as of this writing.
I am using FTP protocol.
I am using the commander interface.
No error messages are thrown by the software.
Steps are described above.