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Hi Prikryl,
I have fixed the problem.
As I told you before, SSH server and SFTP server are on the same machine ( My mistake was to put as host in tunnel and session window. If i put localhost as host in session window everything works good.
Anyway thanks for your interest in my troubles.

Well I'm not sure how PermitRootLogin works on Windows, if at all. Are you sure you have added the Administrator account into passwd file?

Thanks for your answer. Yes, I've read that page.
The host name, user name and password for the session and tunnel window in winscp are the same and the user is administrator for both.
SSH server for tunnelling and sftp server are running on the same pc with Winxp.
I have found PermitRootLogin set to yes as default setting.
What could it be?

Re: acess denied(i have read the FAQ, PermitRootLogin enable

Just to be sure, have you read this page?
To which of the two servers do you connect with root? Have you restarted the server since setting PermitRootLogin to yes?

acess denied(i have read the FAQ, PermitRootLogin enabled)

Hi, I'm using Winscp but i can't connect to my sftp server from remote (using an administrator login). I'm using a ssh tunnel and a http proxy for the connection.
SSH server for tunnelling and stfp server (by openssh)are running on the same pc with Winxp.
The ssh tunnel is working but I have access denied when Winscp tryies to enter in the server.
I have read the faq and:
the password is correct (from my lan i can access)
PermitRootLogin yes
port 22 is correctly forwarded
Could you help me?
Thanks a lot.