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Topic review


What I do not understand from your post is how do the RBAC map into authentication of the file transfer protocols. So first, what protocol do you want to use? SFTP, FTP, SCP?

Regarding su, please read FAQ. Maybe you will find some answer there.

Hi Martin,

At the moment when we use WinSCP we supply a username that is setup on the Unix machine. This allows access to the files/directories that user owns plus any others that have Read access.

On a unix machine you can setup role based accounts using RBAC(see <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>). You cannot logon to the unix machines directly with one of these accounts. You have to "su" to these roles once logged onto the unix box.

In WinSCP there is no concept of a RBAC or the function to "su" to another user. This is what I would like to do.



Re: Accessing files owned by a Unix Role based account

I'm not sure if I understand what you ask for. Do you refer to "account" field when logging in (in addition to "username" field)?

Accessing files owned by a Unix Role based account


Can WinSCP be configured to logon to a unix box using a role-based account?

We have a number of unix roles setup with their own permissions but WinSCP does not allow you to access any of the directories/files owned by these roles as you always have to logon to WinSCP using your own id and not the role.

Any help would be much appreciated,

