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Re: Can WinSCP output to my current console window, no popup

Use See documentation.

If I leave the /console option away, I get other popups - which isn't actually a problem, until an error occurs (e.g. file not found). Then I get an error popup, instead of WinSCP just closing wiht an error code.

What popups do you get?

Can WinSCP output to my current console window, no popups?

I try to download and upload a file from the command line, and I want the output from WinSCP to the same console window from where I called it, so I can process things from .bat files.

For example, I upload a file like this:

C:\Utils\winscp410.exe /console /upload C:\Temp\ /defaults

But this opens a separate console window, instead of just outputting to my current console (from where I called WinSCP).

If I leave the /console option away, I get other popups - which isn't actually a problem, until an error occurs (e.g. file not found). Then I get an error popup, instead of WinSCP just closing wiht an error code.