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I found the option I have obviously skipped before.

Thanks for your help

Re: Can't find settings you mention

guest wrote:

in your answer above you worte:

"To enable them, select SCP protocol explicitly."

In Version I'm searching for this, but I don't find it. Is it to be done when I install the application?

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

Can't find settings you mention


in your answer above you worte:

"To enable them, select SCP protocol explicitly."

In Version I'm searching for this, but I don't find it. Is it to be done when I install the application?

Thanks in advance!

Many thanks.

Selecting SCP brought back the greyed out settings and I was able to alter the 'groups' setting and all is as I remember it working before.

I'll wait for the next version which will hopefully rectify the path setting saving bug.

Thanks again.

Re: Putty path error and 'lookup user groups' greyed out

billmars wrote:

Just upgraded to 4.1.1 and am now getting 'error looking up user groups'.
I had this before and unchecked environment>scp/shell>lookup user groups.
Now when I go there I find this section greyed out, and 'lookup user groups' is ticked.
I can't untick it because it's greyed out.

Your have probably selected SFTP protocol with SCP fallback. In recent versions the SCP-specific options are disabled. To enable them, select SCP protocol explicitly.

Also the setting for the path to 'putty' keeps being reset to """"""C:\PuTTY\putty.exe""""""
and obviously doesn't work. Resetting the correct path does not 'stick', and the
above appears when WinSCP is restarted.

Impossibility to save settings may be related to known bug in 4.1.1. Try to downgrade to 4.1.

Putty path error and 'lookup user groups' greyed out

Just upgraded to 4.1.1 and am now getting 'error looking up user groups'.
I had this before and unchecked environment>scp/shell>lookup user groups.
Now when I go there I find this section greyed out, and 'lookup user groups' is ticked.
I can't untick it because it's greyed out.

Also the setting for the path to 'putty' keeps being reset to """"""C:\PuTTY\putty.exe""""""
and obviously doesn't work. Resetting the correct path does not 'stick', and the
above appears when WinSCP is restarted.

Any suggestions?