I found the option I have obviously skipped before.
Thanks for your help
Thanks for your help
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in your answer above you worte:
"To enable them, select SCP protocol explicitly."
In Version I'm searching for this, but I don't find it. Is it to be done when I install the application?
Just upgraded to 4.1.1 and am now getting 'error looking up user groups'.
I had this before and unchecked environment>scp/shell>lookup user groups.
Now when I go there I find this section greyed out, and 'lookup user groups' is ticked.
I can't untick it because it's greyed out.
Also the setting for the path to 'putty' keeps being reset to """"""C:\PuTTY\putty.exe""""""
and obviously doesn't work. Resetting the correct path does not 'stick', and the
above appears when WinSCP is restarted.