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Re: Error code 3 on some files when syncing

martin wrote:

OK, so it looks like you do not have a permissions to overwrite the files.

I have a similar problem.
This is my site but I'm not sure how/where do I get permission to place images in my images folder (within the WWW folder)?

Re: Error code 3 on some files when syncing

OK, so it looks like you do not have a permissions to overwrite the files.

Error code 3 on some files when syncing

Operation: Sync local with remote using SFTP
REMOTE SERVER- Windows Server 2003 running copSSH
LOCAL- Windows Server 2003 running WinSCP 4.1.0 Build 375

When I attempt to syncronize a local directory with the remote some files transfer fine while others (even in the same folder) cause the following error:

[Background 1] Status/error code: 3, Message: 321283, Server: Permission denied, Language:  

[Background 1] (ETerminal) Permission denied.
[Background 1] Error code: 3
[Background 1] Error message from server: Permission denied
[Background 1] Request code: 3

Thanks for any help,
