thanks for the useful project.
when i compile the 4.1.2 source with BC6 Enterprise it compiles fine, just 1 warning:
[Linker Warning] Duplicate resource: Type 14 (ICON GROUP), ID MAINICON; File L:\WORK\WINSCP\WINDOWS\WINDOWS.RES resource kept; file L:\WORK\WINSCP\WINSCP.RES resource discarded.
but it doesn't run, i get "Invalid access to memory/abnormal program termination".
in debug mode the crash seems to occur here:
if (GetTranslationCount(ApplicationInfo) > 0)
in LCID __fastcall TGUIConfiguration::InternalLocale()
of GUIConfiguration.cpp
ApplicationInfo is NULL
in debugger can continue execution, then crashes with access violation at:
AnsiString __fastcall SshVersionString()
return FORMAT("WinSCP-release-%s", (Configuration->Version));
any idea what could be causing this?