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I've found it, hehe :lol: Thanks !

ant wrote:

Thanks for your reply, but I know this ;) The problem is that in version WinSCP 4.1.3 beta there was no checkbox next to password field... I had to install 4.0.7 because in this version you can do this.

There should not be any checkbox next to password field. The checkbox is on "save session" box, as can be seen on the documentation page linked in my previous post.

Thanks for your reply, but I know this ;) The problem is that in version WinSCP 4.1.3 beta there was no checkbox next to password field... I had to install 4.0.7 because in this version you can do this.

Re: password storage

Check Save password when saving session.

password storage

Why there isn't possibility to remember session password in the newest version? Or maybe there is but I couldn't find it? It is annoying to insert password every time you change something on a server.
Does anyone know how to make WinSCP remember the password?