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Re: winscp.rnd

%TEMP%\winscp.rnd didn't help. I have switched to regular winscp,... after that everything works perfectly.
BTW: great, great program!

Re: winscp.rnd

Yes, it's .bat and del command executes immediately after first session in ALL_servers script is opened as mentioned before...strange.

I'll try with %TEMP%\winscp.rnd and let you know.

Thanks for helping.

Re: winscp.rnd

mitjas wrote:

I also tried with script something like:

WinSCPPortable /console /script=ALL_servers.txt
del \\server\FTPDirectory\winscp.rnd

but del command doesn't wait for WinSCP to end, it executes immediately after first session in ALL_servers script is opened.

What script do you mean? If .bat file than del should bee execute only after winscp finishes. At least with regular winscp. I do not know winscpportable.

You may try to set RandomSeedFile to %TEMP%\winscp.rnd. But that depends on version of WinSCP you are using.


I have an issue with WinSCP Portable Edition, which I belive is the same as WinSCP using ini file for configuration. I'm running a script from scheduler which open multiple sessions, changes local directory and put files from that directory to multiple servers. The thing is, that on the end WinSCP writes winscp.rnd file to that local directory, which is a bit annoying, because next time that file is tranfered across servers as well.
I tried to change winscp.ini in every way - it doesn't help. At the moment it looks like this:

I also tried with script something like:

WinSCPPortable /console /script=ALL_servers.txt
del \\server\FTPDirectory\winscp.rnd

but del command doesn't wait for WinSCP to end, it executes immediately after first session in ALL_servers script is opened. Even start command with \wait switch doesn't help.

Any idea?