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Topic review

Tim De Baets

I am having the same problem: when using a SOCKS 5 proxy server, WinSCP uploads files truncated to any FTP server. If I disable the SOCKS 5 proxy, no more truncation occurs. The proxy server is a local proxy that is set up with MyEnTunnel, which is actually just a GUI front-end for Putty's plink. I'm using the latest version of WinSCP (4.2.5).

Only files bigger than a certain number of bytes seem affected. Some testing revealed that this threshold lies somewhere between 500 and 600 KB.

Because the issue also occurs with FileZilla, I am starting to suspect that this isn't a bug in WinSCP, but a problem with the SSH server or a bug in plink.

Eliteforce wrote:

any ideas why this is happening?

No. I haved added the problem to tracker. Maybe if someone else have the same problem, we can try to find common cause.

any ideas why this is happening?

couldn't find it in the forum profile (hidden?) but I found a mail on your homepage.
check your inbox for "WinSCP: Binary file corruption"

Eliteforce wrote:

I'll contact you over icq.

Please send me an email. You will find it (if you log in) in my forum profile. Thanks.

martin wrote:

May I have a test account on your server?

I'll contact you over icq.

Eliteforce wrote:

I compared the two binary files, the uploaded (corrupted) one is shorter (some bytes at the end are cut off).

May I have a test account on your server?

btw, are there debug versions available to debug the crash on close?

Not yet.

I compared the two binary files, the uploaded (corrupted) one is shorter (some bytes at the end are cut off).

btw, are there debug versions available to debug the crash on close?

Re: Binary file corruption

Eliteforce wrote:

edit: binary mode enabled, when overwriting the file it says old file size ~460kb, new file size ~511 kb .. looks like some bytes get lost somewhere

Shouldn't it be reversely?

Have you check how exactly are the files corrupted? Missing end?

Binary file corruption


I noticed corruption of uploaded binary files.

My configuration:
WinSCP is configured to connect to an FTP server through a SOCKS 5 proxy. The proxy is putty (forwarded port D1080), compression is disabled.

edit: binary mode enabled, when overwriting the file it says old file size ~460kb, new file size ~511 kb .. looks like some bytes get lost somewhere

edit2: it also crashes when closing WinSCP, the windows dialog (that says that it crashed) pops up a couple of times!

I'm using the 4.1.2 beta, but the corruption also happened to me with the latest stable version.