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Re: Windows Folder Sync based on changes, additions, edit &

Yes, If your server does support any of WinSCP protocols.
Alan Sherlock

Windows Folder Sync based on changes, additions, edit & del

Hi All,

I was wondering if any one could tell if winscp will carry out what i need
we have a large image archive on a central server which we require to share out
to 250 Plus sites. Our platform is Windows XP based and connected via microsoft VPN
using Active directory, shares and admin shares etc.

Will this application alow me to sync the field units with the central server based
on new images being added to the central server, edite dor deleted etc.

I just downloaded powerfolder basic and its perfect, but the pro version for
250 sites would be astronomical, does any one know how i can acheive the above with minimal or no cost.

many thakns in advance for any replies
