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Topic review

Pavel Muller

So that will not easy import this public key (exponent and modulus) to known_hosts file, because the "registry format" is not the same format like in known_hosts file.
Thanks for your answer.

With RSA (your case), the first shorter 0xXXX part is exponent, the second longer part 0xXXX is modulus.
Pavel Muller

Yes I mean known_hosts file... I want get public key from registry (Windows) to known_hosts file (Linux). ...the same format? Public key in registry is plain text, isn't?

Do you mean known_hosts file? I do not think it uses the same format.
Pavel Muller

Because when I will add public keys to trusted public keys (for example in Linux), so I need to know this keys. If is the value which I wrote (a84b4ec0...) public key then my problem is solve.

I do not remember myself anymore. I would have to look it up. What do you need it for?
Pavel Muller

I found out that WinSCP save into registry(I found WinSCP, but it is under Martin Prikryl) too, but Im dont understand the format this value. The value is following:


Can you explain me what does mean 0x23. This is some system information? Is the key this sequence a84b4ec.....? And the 0x means hexadecimal value. Do I understand it rightly?
Pavel Muller

Where WinSCP saving public key from visited servers?

I want to ask: Where WinSCP saving public key from visited servers? For example putty saving public keys in registry.
Thanks and sorry for my terrible english.