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Topic review


OK, so can you try 4.0.7 for comparison?


It was ver .0.7 or .1.x beta. I had installed the program in late March to mid April. Can't remember off hand, sorry.
This is over a wireless connection within a local network transfer, I have had only speeds of B/s range, nothing faster.
I use other transfer programs within this system and get musc faster speeds. It is probably user error on my part with this version, but I can't seem to find the cause of the slow speeds.


Re: Downloading file times out

It is slow comparing to what version?

Downloading file times out


Great program but the new beta 4.1.4 build 407 is slow as molasses. Transfering only in B/s and when up or downloading within a local network. Even deletes are slow.
When going outside the network,
"hg clone ..." for example, it times out to quickly with a pop-up stating "Host has not answered for more than 15 seconds. Still waiting... Warning Aborting this operation will close connection!" So I waited and waited, and nothing just the pop-up. The file will download, but not completely. If I click on abort, the connection terminates completely and the program crashes. Is there anyway to set the timeout higher so I can download these updates?
