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Re: The beta version did not seem to change anything

martin wrote:

Will you send me a log from the debug version?

have sent an email to <removed>


Re: The beta version did not seem to change anything

Will you send me a log from the debug version?

The beta version did not seem to change anything

See screenshot

<invalid hyperlink removed by admin> (<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>)

I appreciate your help


Thanks I will try it out today and get back to you

I have sent you a debug version.

Much appreciated :)

Re: WinSCP thinks it starts maximised, but actually it isnt...

Thanks for your post. I'll send you a debug version next week.

WinSCP thinks it starts maximised, but actually it isnt...

This is a rather unusual problem that I have been having. When I start up WinSCP and select one of the servers, the Commander window does remember the screen it was last on (I have two monitors), and it does appear to remember that it was maximized when it was last closed (the little icon in the top right denotes it is maximized), but the window it displays is nowhere near taking up the whole screen. The below screenshot will explain my point a lot clearer:

<invalid hyperlink removed by admin> (<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>)

When I click restore, and then maximize again, WinSCP will utilize the full width and height of the screen. Is there a preference I am missing here?

I am running WinSCP version 4.1.4 (Build 407) on Win 2k.