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Re: Opening Putty in remote directory

Harfang wrote:

I'm not sure it is doable, but there is perhaps a workaround... perhaps winscp can memorize the winscp directory, and once we are into putty, after login, executes a "cd" command to go to the remote directory?

The only way to do "cd" after PuTTY windows opens is to send "keystrokes" to it. But this is not very reliable, particularly if PuTTY first asks you for your credentials.
One solution that came to my mind is to at least store the "cd" command to clipboard, so you can simply press Shift-Int + Enter to get where you need.

Re: Opening Putty in remote directory

martin wrote:

How would you instruct SSH terminal (PuTTY) to start at specified directory?

I'm not sure it is doable, but there is perhaps a workaround... perhaps winscp can memorize the winscp directory, and once we are into putty, after login, executes a "cd" command to go to the remote directory?

Re: Opening Putty in remote directory

wdt wrote:

Is there a way to open a Putty session in the current remote directory?

How would you instruct SSH terminal (PuTTY) to start at specified directory?

Yes, it would be great, I add my vote to this. WinSCP is a very good software, I use it all day to build my website (to edit the remote files with their integrated editor) but sometimes I need a ssh console so I can for example install modules for my website...

And it is a bit boring to always end up in the root directory, going to the remote one would be fine...


Opening Putty in remote directory

Is there a way to open a Putty session in the current remote directory? This would be very useful.

Thanks for WinSCP. It is great software.