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Re: uploading a .htm file

I noticed all my notepad.htm files show slightly less size on the remote. Is this normal.

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Re: uploading a .htm file

martin wrote:

Can you post a log file from both installations showing upload?

Thanks for the reply. I got it to work by disabling my firewall. I can still post a log file if you like. I noticed all my notepad.htm files show slightly less size on the remote. Is this normal.
thanks again,

Re: uploading a .htm file

Can you post a log file from both installations showing upload?

uploading a .htm file

I recently put WinSCP on 2 of my machines, one with XP and the other w/ Vista system builder. It works fine on the xp computer but when I try to upload a file to the remote server with my new system, the transfered file name shows but the file is empty. This is a small .htm file and I am using WinSCP v 4.1.5 (Build 410). I must need to change some setting on my new box but not sure where to start.