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Re: Large files missing from remote directory - 2Gb limit??

What protocol are you using?
Some SFTP servers do not list files over certain limit unfortunately.

Large files missing from remote directory - 2Gb limit??

I have noticed that when listing the remote directory, if the files are particularly large, they don't show up in the listing, so i can't download them.
If i list the same directory in putty, all the files are shown.
I upgraded to the latest build of WinSCP (4.1.4 build 410) but still get the same issue
For example, i listed a directory where 2 files are approx 2Gb each

File 1 - 2,147,352,576 - 1.999Gb
File 2 - 2,150,400,000 - 2.002Gb

File 1 is displayed in the remote directory listing for WinSCP, but File 2 is not shown. If i list the same directory in Putty, then all files are displayed :?