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henning wrote:

See above description, no file is ever selected during that process, here it is again:

- start WinSCP
- start a session with a sftp-site which has many dirs
- click random dirs within tree panel
- most of the time the Fx-Options are grey
- sometimes they get selectable and then above is possible/happens

Believe me, I'm not able to reproduce that. The "sometimes" does not help.
What about this: You visit child directory. The you move back to parent directory. In that case WinSCP automatically sets focus on the child directory in file list. You cannot see that before focus is on the tree. Then the Fx are enabled. You would see the focus if you click Tab while in tree. Normally the ".." will get focused. In this case, it will be the "child" directory.

See above description, no file is ever selected during that process, here it is again:

- start WinSCP
- start a session with a sftp-site which has many dirs
- click random dirs within tree panel
- most of the time the Fx-Options are grey
- sometimes they get selectable and then above is possible/happens

henning wrote:

See above screenshot "Posted: 23 Jul 2008 10:23", no file is selected, no dotted line around.

Of course, because the dotted line disappears if file list is not focused (as directory tree is focused).

See above screenshot "Posted: 23 Jul 2008 10:23", no file is selected, no dotted line around.

henning wrote:

I do not have any file selected in panel. :roll:

Pleased post a screenshot showing that.
Note that you do not seen to have file selected, it is enough to have it "focused" (dotted line around).

I do not have any file selected in panel. :roll:

They are not grey because you have some file selected in panel. If you press them, you will perform the operation on the selected files. I can be confusing. But it is consistent behavior, nothing random.

I know. But sometimes they also work in tree and if you use it there, WinSCP does not delete the dir but ONE random file within the dir. :roll:

- start WinSCP
- start a session with a sftp-site which has many dirs
- click random dirs within tree panel
- most of the time the Fx-Options are grey
- sometimes they get selectable and then above is possible/happens

See also screenshot:
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Re: Deleting a remote dir in "tree" in 4.1.5 deletes one file?

All keyboard shortcuts work with selection in filepanel, not in tree.

Note: Normally not possible, but sometimes I can use the "F8 Delete" when I click a dir in remote "tree", and sometimes it's grey. Just click around between a few remote dirs, then it gets active...

Deleting a remote dir in "tree" in 4.1.5 deletes one file?

Commander-view, "tree" visible on remote site, when I select a dir in tree-view and use e.g. DEL-key, WinSCP asks me if I want to delete a file within the dir, which then gets deleted if I say "ok".

When I select a dir in normal remote dir/files commander window, everything works fine.