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Re: public key cache

helpmeplease wrote:

Thanks for the information. Do you also know of any way to accomplish this via the GUI, as I need to give these directions to very non technical people in order to use it. Thanks again.

I believe that the prompt on the first connect is there for non technical people. I cannot image less technical solution.

public key cache

Thanks for the information. Do you also know of any way to accomplish this via the GUI, as I need to give these directions to very non technical people in order to use it. Thanks again.

Re: public key cache

If you are running WinSCP from some portable drive, make sure you use INI file, so that the cache is on the drive as well. Otherwise you can use /fingerprint parameter on command line.

public key cache


Just looking to find out if I can import an sftp server's public key to avoid being prompted the first time I connect via winscp using sftp. Is there an import function that I just can't find, or where in Windows Explorer do you put the key so it's referenced by the client when you connect - can't find it... Thanks.