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Re: Question:Custom Permission Setting Depending File Types

prikryl ,thanks for answering my question.

I think I can change permission of a set of files in the same directory at once now.
I will try it.

Re: Question:Custom Permission Setting Depending File Types

Silvia1000 wrote:

I think there is because it is written on the page bellow:
But there is no explanation of how to do it.

It is explained on that page and on the linked pages (properties dialog particularly)

Re: Question:Custom Permission Setting Depending File Types

martin, thanks for answering my question.

I understand I can not predefine permission per file.
However, after uploading files, is there way to change permission of a set of files in the same directory at once?
I think there is because it is written on the page bellow:
But there is no explanation of how to do it.

Would someone tell me how to do it?

Re: Question:Custom Permission Setting Depending File Types

WinSCP does not allow that. The presets can be set per directory only, not per file.

Question:Custom Permission Setting Depending File Types

On WinSCP、How can I predefine permissions of uploading files depend on its file types , such as .html .php or a folder? I want to predefine UID GID Sticky bit also. These files with different file types and folders will be uploaded at once rather than separately.

For example, I am uploading a folder which name is test_folder. In the test_folder, there is a php file which name is test_php.php and a html file which name is test_html.html. I want to set WinSCP so that, at the completion of the upload, the permission of test_folder will be 2755 (2 sand for GID), the permission of test_php.php will be 0755 and the permission of test_html.html will be 0644. These folders and files will be uploaded at once rather than separately.

I think I can do custom permission setting depending file types at "Transfer setting present editor" on the WinSCP's Preferences Dialog (Transfer Presets tab).
I read the documentation bellow:
However, I was not able to figure out how I can actually set the editor to do what I want to do.

Please someone tell me step by step explanation of how can I do what I want to do above, or tell me URL of site which explain the way of doing it.