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Topic review


martin wrote:

Please read the linked documentation.

Haha, thanks. I am a moron.

Please read the linked documentation.

How would I do that?

Re: Sync detecting changes but not uploading...

WinSCP probably sees the remote timestamp of older file as newer that local timestamp. First make sure, WinSCP understands remote timestamps correctly.

Sync detecting changes but not uploading...

I have WinSCP running, it is detecting changes but it is not uploading the changed files. However if I create a file locally, it will upload it, and if I delete it, it will delete it from the remote machine. What am I doing wrong?

I am using the most recent version available from the main download link on Windows Vista Ultimate x64, I even tried running as Administrator to see if that made a difference, and it does not.

Thanks in advance for your help.
