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Re: keepuptodate and preserve timestamp

Parke wrote:

Also, if I do successfully remove this functionality wouldn't that prevent keepuptodate from checking if this file was actually updated?

Correct. It makes no sense to turn off preserve timestamps with keepuptodate.

keepuptodate and preserve timestamp

I am using WinSCP Version 4.1.6 (Build 412). I am using console and scripting to transfer via SCP using a keepuptodate function.

Initially, I was receiving the 'set permissions: not owner'. I wrote -nopermissions in the keepuptodate script to solve this. Then, I received the 'set times: not owner' prompt which I turned off 'Preserve timestamp'. (I exported the .ini file and am using /ini=c:\sysmod\winscp\winscp.ini to reference the config file.) I am still receiving the 'set times: now owner' prompt.

I have attempted option confirm off in the script file, but I'm not sure that applies to keepuptodate.

Is there any other way to turn off preserve timestamp? Also, if I do successfully remove this functionality wouldn't that prevent keepuptodate from checking if this file was actually updated?

Thank so much Martin!
