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Re: Is there a way for me to apply permissions ....

HELP wrote:

Is there a way for me to set permissions to control who has access to what files and what types of access they are allowed?

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

Re: Is there a way for me to apply permissions ....

Okay, call me stupid, but how do I get a "remote location"? lol

Re: Is there a way for me to apply permissions ....

I'm not sure if you talking about permission on the remote destination or the local directory, but in either case I would suggest that you could set folder/directory permission for each.

Then permission for each folder or file would be controlled by the credentials used to login to and create the session. How you set these permission would depend on the OS being used but in most cases a quick call to the system admin of the remote location should get you taken care of.

Is there a way for me to apply permissions ....

[size=12]Is there a way for me to set permissions to control who has access to what files and what types of access they are allowed?[/size]