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Re: Cannot login to one site since upgrading to winscp 4.1.6

So ask your server administrator.

Re: Cannot login to one site since upgrading to winscp 4.1.6

martin wrote:

OK. So then please check server's log file to see whether you find anything useful there.

Unfortunately I do not have access to the server so I cannot obtain any logs which might help explain the failed connection.


Re: Cannot login to one site since upgrading to winscp 4.1.6

OK. So then please check server's log file to see whether you find anything useful there.

Re: Cannot login to one site since upgrading to winscp 4.1.6

martin wrote:

Can you try to login with PuTTY 0.60?

I have checked trying to connect using Putty 0.60 and I receive the same error.



Re: Cannot login to one site since upgrading to winscp 4.1.6

Can you try to login with PuTTY 0.60?

Cannot login to one site since upgrading to winscp 4.1.6

I have recently upgraded from WinSCP v3.8.2 (build 330) to v4.1.6 (build 412). I now find that I cannot connect to one site which I could with v3.8.2. I have not changed any settings since the v3.8.2 version. The error displayed is "Server unexpectedly closed network connection". I have enabled Debug2 level logging but nothing is entered in the log for the session at all.

When I try a connection via telnet hostname 22, I get the banner SSH-2.0-SSHD.

Any assistance in trying to troubleshoot this connectivity problem would be greatly appreciated.

