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Re: Anybody??? Bueller?

ebonnett wrote:

Thanks for the reply. I figured somebody would have a C# wrapper class for WinSCP but I guess not. I think I'll write one and post it.


Re: Anybody??? Bueller?

martin wrote:

ebonnett wrote:

Does anybody have any response? Should I wrap all the functionality in a class and construct a script in the class? What's the preferred way? Please advise.

There's no preferred way. But what you suggest sounds good.

Thanks for the reply. I figured somebody would have a C# wrapper class for WinSCP but I guess not. I think I'll write one and post it.


Re: Anybody??? Bueller?

ebonnett wrote:

Does anybody have any response? Should I wrap all the functionality in a class and construct a script in the class? What's the preferred way? Please advise.

There's no preferred way. But what you suggest sounds good.

Anybody??? Bueller?

Does anybody have any response? Should I wrap all the functionality in a class and construct a script in the class? What's the preferred way? Please advise.



Proper way to call from c# app

What is the best practice for calling WinSCP from a c# app? Call it from a Process object and construct a .bat file?

Thanks in advance.
