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Re: Invalid access to memory

This bug has been added to tracker.

I just installed and ran it...

And e-mail you the log. Let me know if there is anything more you need.


Re: Invalid access to memory

I have sent you an email with link to a debug version.

I just tested it again and it doesn't happen when I change the interface to Explorer. If I go back to the other one I get the error again.


Invalid access to memory

Version: 4.1.6 (Build 412)
Protocol: FTP
Interface Style: Commander
Steps to recreating the error:
1. Click on WinSCP icon
2. Choose ANY server

I ran the logging and saw the message:

* 2008-09-16 16:44:28.532 (EAccessViolation) Access violation at address 00648FD2 in module 'WinSCP.exe'. Read of address 00000058

eAddict at yahoo dot com