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Re: Temp file deleted after renaming file

WinSCP has no way to know that you have use "Save As" command in Word. Only think it could possibly do is to upload any file that get created in the temporary folder. But that would mean that it would upload any temporary file created by editor,m any backup files, etc. That's also the reason it remove the temporary directory, even if there are new files created. Because most of the editors create backup files, hence WinSCP would have to leave most temporary directories behind.

Temp file deleted after renaming file

I'm using WinSCP for FTP in Explorer mode.

I'm not sure if this is a bug report or a feature request. I have WinSCP set to open .doc files in winword. If I open a file and then rename it, it gets saved to the temp folder, but when I close word the file never gets copied to the sever and gets deleted from the temp folder.

It would be nice if the file got copied up to the server, but at the very least it seems like the temp file should stay there so that I don't lose my work (as I did last night).
