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Re: Unable to copy split files over WinSCP

I had checked that first. I also tried copying to another directory.

Sorry, I have no idea.

Re: Unable to copy split files over WinSCP

I had checked that first. I also tried copying to another directory.

Re: Unable to copy split files over WinSCP

Maybe you have run out of space on the server?

Unable to copy split files over WinSCP

The other day I tried copying a 4GB tar file locally to one of our VMWare clients via WinSCP and receive "Failed to copy file". I then tried installing a file splitter program and split the tar into 200MB pieces but was receiving a failure when copying the last couple pieces. I also tried zipping up the piece that was failing but this did not work. I read that there may be a CRC error when the copy occurs. Has anyone seen this before?
