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Re: Command Fails

vikasgarg21 wrote:

I am using the following syntax to connect to one of my ftp servers and trying to GET a file from it thru "/Command" as I don't want to use the graphical as well the command line (of WINSCP) interface.
Ultimately my code will generate a batch file and thru which all of these things would happen.

winscp.exe ftp://user:pwd:@myserver:21 /command "get 11052008.dyc" "exit".
When I am doing it its not getting me any result.
But graphical and command line (of WINSCP) works, I am able to do it.

For security reasons you cannot use URL-like session specification on command-line together with any automation.
You would know that if you use /console as well.
But you can do:
winscp.exe /command "open ftp://user:pwd:@myserver:21" "get 11052008.dyc" "exit"

Command Fails

I am using the following syntax to connect to one of my ftp servers and trying to GET a file from it thru "/Command" as I don't want to use the graphical as well the command line (of WINSCP) interface.
Ultimately my code will generate a batch file and thru which all of these things would happen.

winscp.exe ftp://user:pwd:@myserver:21 /command "get 11052008.dyc" "exit".
When I am doing it its not getting me any result.
But graphical and command line (of WINSCP) works, I am able to do it.

Re: About the GET command

WinSCP collects names of files matching the mask and then transfers them. I believe that there's no way to do it in "realtime".

About the GET command


Thank you for taking the time to reply to my previous posts. It's been helpful.

About the GET command... Does it make a copy of all files matching the wild card (*.TXT) and then going through that list perform the transfer or is it working in real time?

I am asking because I have a case where files are being built while the transfer occurs, and some files do not get transferred. It seems that the GET processes only whatever files have been created so far.

The creation of all the files is done in a very short time compared with the duration of the transfer that takes minutes.
I would have thought that in real time time all the files would actually be processed.

Thank you again.