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Re: Thank you Martin

You're welcome, Kurt :-)

Thank you Martin

Its time to say - Thank you Martin.

You'r doing a really great job.
I know - and use - WinSCP since Version 1.
It makes us working with webservers much more simple.

Here in the support-forum - or before by mail -
you answered a lot of questions, brought new solutions to us; theres a lot of work, a lot of costs and so I will say Tank you now.
Your work shows in a realy good way, that the OpenSource- and Windows-World are not so far away - Billie-Boy would like.

So I think it's realy stupid that you can't use your PayPal-Account anymore for donations.
Probably there would be a possibility instead with Amazon. This could be an alternate to give some thanks to you. Check it out, i think its possible.

Once again: Thank you very much.

Kurt from Germany