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solved: permissions problem

Hi Martin,

I tried the debug version and it led me to figure out that it was a permissions setting on the EXE. There's no bug in the Winscp 417 version after all, it just wasn't set properly to run. Previously I hadn't needed to modify the settings on the other EXEs so I didn't think to change them for this one either.

Thanks for your help!

Re: I use the standalone EXE

OK, I'll send you a debug version soon.

I use the standalone EXE

I use the standalone EXE, not the full install.

Re: Bug started in version...

OK thanks. Can you try to combine from 4.1.6 and winscp.exe from 4.1.7 (and vice versa) to see if the bug is caused by the .com or the .exe? Thanks!

Bug started in version...

I did some creative URL editing and was able to get the earlier versions from here:

This bug is present only in 417. It doesn't occur in any version for 407 through 416.


The command includes a switch to write out a detailed transfer log. It doesn't write one out, so I can't see what the problem was. Maybe that's what you call a session log.

It runs the command but doesn't output any failure message. It also doesn't send the file to the server as required.

It's using SFTP.

Re: Version 417 often fails on my server.

PMunn wrote:

I recently upgraded from 407 to 417 and find that 417 frequently fails when run by the scheduler on the Win 2000 server. It's running a script and doesn't generate any output log when it fails.

What is output log? Does it generate a session log?

When run interactively it often does work, but not always.

What does it do then?

What protocol are you using?

Version 417 often fails on my server.

I recently upgraded from 407 to 417 and find that 417 frequently fails when run by the scheduler on the Win 2000 server. It's running a script and doesn't generate any output log when it fails. When run interactively it often does work, but not always.

I've reverted back to 407 for now.

I went to look for 416 and test that but it doesn't seem to work.

If anyone has any advice on getting more detailed information out of it to help troubleshoot I'm all ears.