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Topic review


OK, I'll check that.

other test: one user is test1 with password a, other user is test2 with password á


Prompt (6, SSH password, , &Password: )

Sent password
Waiting for the server to continue with the initialisation
Looking for incoming data
Looking for network events
Detected network event
Enumerating network events for socket 136
Enumerated 1 network events making 1 cumulative events for socket 136
Handling network read event on socket 136 with error 0
Access granted
Waiting for the server to continue with the initialisation
Looking for incoming data
Looking for network events
Detected network event
Enumerating network events for socket 136
Enumerated 1 network events making 1 cumulative events for socket 136
Handling network read event on socket 136 with error 0
Opened channel for session
Waiting for the server to continue with the initialisation
Looking for incoming data
Looking for network events
Detected network event
Enumerating network events for socket 136
Enumerated 1 network events making 1 cumulative events for socket 136
Handling network read event on socket 136 with error 0
Started a shell/command


Prompt (6, SSH password, , &Password: )

Sent password
Waiting for the server to continue with the initialisation
Looking for incoming data
Looking for network events
Detected network event
Enumerating network events for socket 132
Enumerated 1 network events making 1 cumulative events for socket 132
Handling network read event on socket 132 with error 0
Access denied
Access denied
Prompt (6, SSH password, , &Password: )
Selecting events 0 for socket 132
Disconnected: Unable to authenticate
(ESshFatal) Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 0.
Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username "test2".
Access denied.

Authentication failed.

Completely sure. I double checked.

Than I doubt that Filezilla works. Because it is based on PuTTY as well. Are you sure you are using SFTP with Filezilla?

Putty fails when login with password: á and do it correctly with password: a
It has the same behavior as WinSCP.

juanmah wrote:

In other way WinSCP doesn't log in with special character password, and other file transfer programs like filezilla do it correctly. Can anyone confirm this?

Can you try PuTTY?

I've downloaded all disponible versions from 3.8.1 to 4.1.7, and I'm not able to login now with a special character password. But I'm sure before summer it worked. Maybe is a SSH issue?

In other way WinSCP doesn't log in with special character password, and other file transfer programs like filezilla do it correctly. Can anyone confirm this?

I'm not aware of such change between 4.0.6. and 4.1.7. Are you able to login now with 4.0.6? Or did it just work then?

Protocol: SFTP
Version: 4.0.5 and 4.0.6

Re: special characters in password

What protocol are you using? Which version of WinSCP did work?

special characters in password

When I log in to a host with a user whose password has special characters like áéíóú, the access is denied.

If I change the user's password in host to aeiou and I try to log in then it works.

The same special character password worked months before (I don't know what version I used), I suppose this is a new 'feature' in new version.

I also tried to enter with filezilla and the special character password worked.